Viral Pay: Is It Legit Or A Scam

Posted on May 16, 2022Comments Off on Viral Pay: Is It Legit Or A Scam

The internet is full of get-rich-quick schemes. Shady people know this and are prepared to fleece you. They come out with bogus words and pseudo-copywriting claims. For instance, when it came out, Viral Pay claimed to be the revolution of earning money from home. With hundreds of millions of people struggling to shake off Social Media platforms, this payment promised to do something unique and powerful – marry your passion for Social Media with a paycheck.

It worked like this: They give you a link to share on Social Media. You earn a fraction of a dollar when your friends click on the link.

Now, What happens is that you never get paid. This is not to say that they used to pay people and somehow got broke. This is not the case: No one has ever been paid. Towards the time for you to withdraw your fund, you somehow get a glitch on your profile and lose access to your profile. While your access is denied, your link remains intact and continually feeds traffic to the end sites of viral pay.

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There is no one who has a good thing to say about viral pay, online and elsewhere. As a matter of their true color, there are hundreds of reviews on the internet saying how criminal they are. There has not been one review to the contrary. And no, this is not about trolls. Trustworthy corporate review sites such as Trustpilot have dozens of reviews saying how lousy they are.

If viral pay had given you hope for an easy flow of cash online, sorry to break it to you. It is a scam pay. No need for further explanations. Viral pay is scam, scam, scam. End of the story. Just avoid it.

Image source: TrustPilot